Published: 2020-08-211

The Sejm in the first half of the 17th century – a balance sheet of success and failure

Andrzej Korytko
Echa Przeszłości


This article analyzes the functioning of the Polish-Lithuanian parliament in the first half of the 17th century. It takes stock of the success and failure of the parliament in the analyzed period, based on selected examples. The author lists examples of successful undertakings, including the rich legislative output or the cultural influence of the Sejm, and juxtaposes them with failures, such as the low efficiency of parliamentary sessions, and the lack of a profound reform of the parliament itself.


Polish-Lithuanian parliament, mixed monarchy, House of Vasa

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Korytko, A. (2020). The Sejm in the first half of the 17th century – a balance sheet of success and failure. Echa Przeszłości, (XX/2).

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