
"Humanities and Natural Science" is a peer-reviewed scientific yearbook published continuously since 1994. Since 2018, the journal is also published electronically, available under a CC license (CC BY-NC). The editors accept for publication articles, reviews of works and journals, and chronicle materials (reports of scientific conventions, symposia, conferences and other information about scientific life in the country and abroad). Only previously unpublished texts are submitted.

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The journal is included in the list of journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The number of points for the publication is 40. The Editorial Board has entered further contracts - international and national - for entering the content of the publication into repository databases and their storage in order to make them available to authorized users. Thus, the journal's content is currently distributed through the following databases - scientific international and national repositories - providing global indexing of publications:

CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library)
CEJSH (The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Index Copernicus
PBN - POL-Index
Open Science Platform / ICM Internet Platform
AGRO Database



"Humanities and Natural Science" has been published since 1994. Until 1999 its publisher was the Agricultural and Technical Academy in Olsztyn. The founder and first responsible editor (with time editor-in-chief) of the journal was Zbigniew Hull, Ph.D., professor UWM. Since its creation it has been published as an annual. The "zero" number appeared as "Scientific Bulletin ART in Olsztyn". After the establishment of UWM "Humanities and Natural Studies" became a university journal. Under the editorship of Professor Hull 11 issues appeared containing works in the field of: methodology of natural sciences and humanities, history of philosophy, philosophy of nature, cognitive science, ecology, ecophilosophy, philosophy of culture and bioethics.

Since 2006, with a new graphic design and a new editorial committee, the journal has been published in two versions: paper and electronic. In 2006-2013 the editor-in-chief of the journal was Ewa Starzyńska-Kościuszko, PhD, professor UWM, in 2014-2017 - Andrzej Kucner, PhD. In 2018, the editorial committee was formed by Dorota Sepczyńska, PhD, Anna Żeglińska, PhD, Agnieszka Szulc, and Małgorzata Liszewska, PhD. 

As of 2021, a new Editorial Committee was formed.


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