Published: 2018-10-161

Man in the Natiral Environment : Reflections of Marian Zdziechowski

Dariusz Barbaszyński


This article describes the views of Marian Zdziechowski on various aspects of human cruelty. The philosopher evaluates cruel acts as facts which question the dignity and supposed greatness of man - a result of oryginał sin. I, however, discuss Zdziechowski interprets the inclination to evil as a certain quality which facilities the understanding of the rigts of historic development. He seeks traces of the divine influence in human history. In this perspective evil and cruelty manifest themselves afelix culpa, a fact necessary to the salvation of man.


absolute, God, man, eschatology, history, cruelty, nature, evil

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Barbaszyński, D. (2018). Man in the Natiral Environment : Reflections of Marian Zdziechowski. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (8), 49–57. Retrieved from

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