Published: 2018-09-081

The Dictionary of Central European Literature: The Case of Bruno Schulz

Basia Nikiforova , Jadwiga Mizińska
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


This small dictionary is an attempt to describe Central European spiritual environment and to find some connections between biographies, destinies, literature, and creative works of such writers as Bruno Schulz, Walter Benjamin, Franz Kafka, and Paul Celan. Everyone was a writer and a poet “from the borderlands” not only of geographic and state space where they were born and writing but at the same time from this creation on the frontiers of languages, identity, and literature genres. From my view, the small dictionary includes from the most important definitions which are close related with Schulz personality, works and applied more or less to Benjamin, Kafka, and Celan. Such definitions as time, identity, language, borderland, province, glory posthumous describe spiritual image and atmosphere of Central European literature and philosophy of culture in the middle of XX century. This specific genre of the article gives a possibility to avoid any banalities and repetitions of an author which is not a critic of literature.


Benjamin, Celan, Kafka, Schulz, borderland, identity, language, time, identityprovince, glory posthumous

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Nikiforova, B., & Mizińska, J. (2018). The Dictionary of Central European Literature: The Case of Bruno Schulz. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (19), 361–374.

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