Peer Review Process

  • Initial assessment and acceptance of a submitted article is carried out by the journal editorial board. Each article is then sent for further evaluation to at least two independent reviewers.
  • The review is double-blind (the identities of the author(s) and the reviewers are not known to each other and to autor).
  • If a double-blind review is not possible then the reviewer must sign a declaration of no conflict of interest, a conflict of interest may arise when there is, between the reviewer and the author, a direct personal relationship (blood relationship, legal relationship, conflict), a hierarchical professional relationship, direct scientific cooperation within the two years preceding the review.
  • Texts written in languages other than Polish are reviewed by at least one reviewer affiliated to an institution from a different country than the Author.
  • The review must be in written form and end with an unequivocal judgement as to the acceptance or rejection of the article for publication.
  • If the reviews do not require of the author to introduce substantive and editorial corrections, the Editorial Board sends the article to the Publishing Editor.
  • When an article is deemed to require changes, the author will have an opportunity to improve it according to the reviewers’ suggestions.
  • In case of disagreement with the reviewers, the author should submit a written reply to the reviewers’ comments.
  • Only articles which have received two positive reviews are published.
  • If one of the reviewers approve the paper for publication while the other did not, the final decision to qualify or reject the article belongs to the editor-in-chief.
  • After the final publication decision has been made, the Editorial Board notifies the authors of the papers of the acceptance or rejection of the article.
  • The criteria by which an article is accepted or rejected and the review form are accessible by the public on the publisher’s website and in each volume of the journal.
  • The names of reviewers for any particular volume are not made available; once a year the journal makes a publically accessible list available of all reviewers.
    Review Form to download 
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