Freedom for the pike is death for the minnow – On the semantics of the Polish adverb dowolnie
Izabela Duraj-Nowosielska
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Based on the assumptions of compositional semantics and using methods of structural
description, the study presents a semantic analysis of the Polish word dowolnie [freely,
randomly], partly in comparison with the adjective dowolny [free, random] and in polemics
with other approaches to the word (including dictionary ones). Three meanings are
distinguished – one metapredicative and two adverbial ones, with the current analysis
focusing mainly on the latter, i.e. ad-verbum expressions. One of them comes close to the
meaning of the pronoun jakkolwiek [in any way], and indicates the presence of various
possibilities of action open to the subject; therefore, it assumes a non-factive sentential
context, although in some cases an in-depth semantic interpretation is needed to recognise
it. The metapredicative meaning is analogical, yet dowolnie does not refer here to the
action of the subject, but to the activity of the speaker themselves, which is why it loses its
relation to the verb at the object-level. The other type of adverbial use is based on factive
contexts and communicates negative assessment of what the subject did; the point is that
the agent, having had possibilities of action open, ultimately chose an option which, from
the speaker’s perspective, is not sufficiently justified. This carries with itself a value
of arbitrariness and incomprehensibility of the action from the speaker’s point of view,
as evidenced by, among others, substitutability with the word arbitralnie [arbitrarily]
and non-substitutability with jakkolwiek. The study also discusses the mechanism of
perspective-switch underlying the distinction of these two variants as well as the linguistic
status of all the three expressions.
adverb, arbitralnie, free choice, jakkolwiek, lexical semantics, metapredicateReferences
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Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu