“Something broke, something ended”. On the methods of verbalization and visualization of mourning in the media texts which arose after the death of the President of Gdańsk, Paweł Adamowicz
As far as particular the challenges of the contemporary media are concerned, they encompass reports of events of a tragic nature: assassinations, mass communication accidents or catastrophes. This implies that also mourning becomes one of the media events. The media informing about the 27th Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (13 January 2019) faced a challenge connected with reporting on the struggle for the life of the President of Gdańsk, Paweł Adamowicz, who was attacked by a knife-wielding man, and later building a community (communitas) of people touched by his death. The subject of this article is a media-linguistic analysis of the selected media texts (covers of weeklies and dailies) which came into being after the murder of the president of Gdańsk, and which – employing the verbal and/or visual metaphor – addressed the subject of mourning for him.
mourning, metaphor, multimodallityReferences
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