„Świat na talerzu”, czyli o nazwach potraw i napojów w reportażach kulinarnyc
Monika Kowalonek-Janczarek
Culinary reportages are a subgenre of travel reportages which so far has not
been extensively examined. They are informative and, at the same time, persuasive
texts addressed to a large variety of readers potentially interested in visiting
other parts of the world. The following paper investigates selected texts excerpted
from the travel magazine “National Geographic Traveler Polska” (October,
2016), which concentrate on one common main theme, namely the traditional
food of ten different European, Asian, South American and African countries.
The main focus of the study is on analyzing the most common mechanisms
of nomination used to describe the names of dishes, beverages and foodstuffs
and the functions they may play in the text.
reportaż podróżniczy, reportaż kulinarny, zapożyczenie, słownictwo kulinarne, mechanizmy nominacjiReferences
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