Dictionary definitions and community connotations of the name of property – a comparative perspective

Ewa Gorlewska


The article presents a comparative analysis of dictionary and community semantics of the
name property. The source material are semantic descriptions taken from contemporary
dictionaries of Polish and questionnaire answers from students in Białystok (collected in
2016−2017). Dictionary definitions of the word propety imply it denotes an object whose
owner may be an individual, an organisation and/or an institution. Having property is
regulated legally and socially. The analysed word designates also a right granted to the
residents of a state by the authorities. The studied definitions demonstrate the general
meaning of the word property. In the respondents’ opinions, the name relates to the
subject and object of possession. Furthermore, the students’ answers display axiological, social and personal aspects of property (the analysed definitions lack these perspectives).
The analysis of the lexical material from both sources reveals certain similarities in
nationwide and popular understandings of the term property. It also identifies significant
differences, manifesting themselves in the absence (the dictionaries of Polish) and/
or presence (the questionnaire answers) of these meanings of the name which display
a relationship between its designatum and human aspirations, values a man has and
risks arising out of the need to amass goods.


property, values, axiological linguistics, community connotations

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Cited by

Gorlewska, E. (2020). Dictionary definitions and community connotations of the name of property – a comparative perspective. Prace Językoznawcze, 22(1), 45–59. https://doi.org/10.31648/pj.4971

Ewa Gorlewska