Evaluating function of language intuition: on the example of French as a foreign language
Wioletta Piegzik
This paper discusses some of the qualities and weaknesses of language intuition,
understood as tacit knowledge or mental ability, that allows language users to make
judgements quickly and decisively, especially when they have to evaluate grammaticality/
ungrammaticality of sentences. In the paper, we present a pilot research conducted in
a group of students of French as a foreign language at A2 level. The study shows that
every language user, regardless of her/his level of mastery, uses linguistic intuition.
The study also shows that users’ intuition at the A2 level help best when the learners deal
with regular forms and forms with high frequency of use. However, when the learner has
to apply more than one rule in the same sentence, following intuition might be less reliable.
language intuition, evaluation, unconscious information process, tacit knowledge, language proficiencyReferences
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