The language of Wierzchosławice as presented in My Memoirs by Wincenty Witos

Anna Piechnik

Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie


The article aims to present the language, and thus the culture of Wierzchosławice (late
19th, early 20th c.), as depicted in My Memoirs by Winecenty Witos – one of the greatest
politicians of the Second Polish Republic. The researchers who analysed his written and
oratorical works emphasize his command of the standard Polish language and infrequent
use of the local dialect. Nevertheless, analysis of the text shows that the regional dialect
of Wierzchosławice is represented in his memoirs. The most common examples of the
dialect are lexical items, which are shown graphically or syntactically; less common
are phonetic or inflexional features of the local dialect. Witos makes use of words
and phrasemes associated with soil cultivation and farming that are foreign to the
standard Polish language. He mentions individual and collective nicknames, as well as microtoponyms and individual appellative expressions. In many instances, Witos explicates
the semantics and motives supporting the name-forming processes of particular terms,
and as a result, the vocabulary is presented as a medium and constituent of axiological
and cultural content. In My Memoirs, the local dialect functions as a linguistic identifying
mark of the region.


Wincenty Witos, Lesser Polish dialect, Wierzchosławice, language and culture of the village at the turn of the 19th and 20th c.

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Cited by

Piechnik, A. . (2021). The language of Wierzchosławice as presented in My Memoirs by Wincenty Witos. Prace Językoznawcze, 23(4), 75–90.

Anna Piechnik 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie