Oikonyms as a form of expression of bilingualism. On the use of the settlement names in the Chronicle of the parish of Zawada Ks.

Daniela Pelka

Uniwersytet Opolski


Over the years, the linguistic situation in Upper Silesia developed in such a way that nowadays many localities in the region have names that can be attributed to the German or Polish language system. If an author has different names of the same place at their disposal, it is interesting which of them is used in the text, as in such cases there is always a possibility that a given name will also convey content beyond the pure function
of designation. On the basis of the Chronicle of the Parish of Zawada Ks. – in the original: Chronik der Pfarrei Zawada Ks. – written in the post-war period by a bilingual parish
priest and containing accounts from the period up to 1957, the article presents in which languages the individual oikonyms are used in the text, showing at the same time that the use of names in German or Polish does not fulfil here a function exceeding mere identification of individual localities, but simply reflects the regional bilingualism of the
region and the individual bilingualism of the author of the text.


onomastics, oikonyms, bilingualism, chronicle, Upper Silesia, Zawada Książęca

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Cited by

Pelka, D. (2021). Oikonyms as a form of expression of bilingualism. On the use of the settlement names in the Chronicle of the parish of Zawada Ks. Prace Językoznawcze, 23(4), 123–138. https://doi.org/10.31648/pj.7040

Daniela Pelka 
Uniwersytet Opolski