Affixoid or semi-stem? A discussion on the term “affixoid” based on Danish examples

Andrzej Szubert

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


Word formation seems to be a branch of linguistics with an already well-established
terminology, but it becomes clear that it is not always the case when one considers
differences that occur in publications in this area. The term “affixoid” is not new, yet
linguists argue whether it is necessary at all. Nevertheless, there undoubtedly exists an
area on the border of derivation and compounding and, accordingly, there are constructions
that consist of morphemes that can be classified as neither a stem nor an affix. This, in
turn, means that the constructions in question are neither derivates nor compounds. The
present article is to play a role of an impulse to initiate discussion on the term “affixoid.” Based on the material from Danish, it aims to present arguments in favour of using the
term “semi-stem” in order to characterize such morphemes and constructions in which
they occur.


word formation, derivation, compounding, affix, affixoid, sem, semi-stem

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Cited by

Szubert, A. (2022). Affixoid or semi-stem? A discussion on the term “affixoid” based on Danish examples. Prace Językoznawcze, 24(3), 189–203.

Andrzej Szubert 
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu