Genre as a media linguistic category and the branches of open media linguistics
Danuta Kępa-Figura
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
The aim of this article is to explore genre as a media linguistic category. In pursuing this aim, the tenets of Danuta Kępa-Figura’s open media linguistics and Maria Wojtak’s four-aspect concept of genre are employed. It is proposed that the identification of how a text exists within a (specific) genre should be treated not only as a prerequisite for
the complete identification of the form of the text (formal, stylistic, pragmatic and
cognitive), but also as a prerequisite for the identification of individual media dimensions.
(This conceptualisation of the relationship between exploring genre and exploring media
is presented in a visual manner). Consequently, the four branches of media linguistics are
outlined. Demonstrating that thinking of genres as sets of formal-structural conventions
is a prerequisite for approaching the technological and semiotic properties of media
communication allows the demarcation of the branch of media syntax. Demonstrating
that thinking about genres as sets of pragmatic conventions is a necessary prerequisite
for recognizing the intentionality of media communication as well as the sender-receiver
relations that structure this communication underlies the proposal for the branch
of media pragmatics. Demonstrating that thinking of genres sets of stylistic conventions
is a prerequisite for recognising stylistic differentiation of media communication endorses
the recognition of the branch of media stylistics. Demonstrating that thinking of genres
as sets of cognitive conventions is a prerequisite for recognising the epistemological
differentiation of media communication and leads to the establishment of the branch
of media epistemology.
media linguistics, open media linguistics, media genre, genre vs. media, aspects of genre type, branches of media linguisticsReferences
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