French and Italian names of colour shades in fashion discourse – a comparative analysis
Dorota Antoniewska-Lajus
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Sylwia Skuza
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
The article is part of the research on chromatic vocabulary from a comparative perspective and its aim is to analyse the contemporary names of shades (understood as hyponyms of basic colour names) in Italian and French used in press texts on fashion. The authors
refer to the concept of basic colour names (Berlin, Kay 1969), reference names, works in
the field of colour semantics and cognitive linguistics. Names of shades excerpted from the
body of linguistic material were subjected to preliminary morphological analysis, and then
the way of colour conceptualisation was examined by determining the dominant lexical
fields created by reference nouns, as well as scrutinising adjectives which define colours.
The conducted analysis showed similarities between both languages in the structure
of shade naming (with a clear preference for reference names) and the selection of referents.
It also indicated that there can be noticed unification of chromatic language due to
influences of English. What is more, results showed a connection of the scrutinised
vocabulary with a given socioculture and incongruence of seemingly equivalent concepts.
The scrutiny of neologisms demonstrated the importance of meanings at the level
of connotations, and proved the need for in-depth research on the semantics of the
contemporary shade vocabulary.
reference names, fashion discourse, chromatic vocabulary, expressivismReferences
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Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu