Linguistic mechanisms of humour in the lyrics of Nocny Kochanek
Małgorzata Karczewska
Uniwersytet ZielonogórskiAbstract
Humour has been an object of human reflection since ancient times. Even today,
publications related to this topic are published. Humour is studied by philosophers,
researchers of cultural studies and sociologists, but in the paper the linguistic approach
is predominant. One of several classifications of linguistic humour is the typology by
Danuta Buttler (1968/2001) who identified several basic mechanisms of linguistic humour.
These are various word deformations, specific juxtapositions of words belonging to different
registers, rhymes and neologisms. All of these mechanisms aim to surprise the recipient
and create an unreal world, which may have a comic effect. In the paper, examples
of linguistic humour were identified and analysed in the lyrics of Nocny Kochanek,
a Polish heavy metal band. The research shows that all the categories of linguistic humour
described by Buttler can be found in the lyrics of the band, general comic mechanisms related to the use of colloquial and vulgar words being the most popular ones, which
is related to the subject of the lyrics studied.
linguistic humour, heavy metal, pop culture, joke, lyricsReferences
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