Synonymy of expressions inny niż_ and różny od_

Mariola Wołk

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The study presented in the article focuses on a semantic relationship between two linguistic
units: inny niż_ [other than] and różny od_ [different than]. Since their synonymy
seems to be a common assumption, an attempt is made to classify this hypothesis. For that
purpose arguments supporting (e.g. substitution tests showing to what extent the units
can be used interchangeably in particular contexts) as well as those negating (limitations
imposed on the distribution of the unit różny od_) the hypothesis are quoted. Additionally,
the analysis encompasses definitions of both expressions available in dictionaries
of modern Polish. The article includes a conclusion of the discussed problem as well as
preliminary explications of the analysed linguistic units.


linguistic unit, synonymy, definition, modern lexicography

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Cited by

Wołk, M. (2021). Synonymy of expressions inny niż_ and różny od_. Prace Językoznawcze, 23(1), 37–48.

Mariola Wołk 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie