Word games, translator games – the intercultural dynamics of the language game (on the example of the aphorisms of Stanisław Jerzy Lec)

Katarzyna Sadowska-Dobrowolska

Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie


The article is dedicated to reflection on the process of interpretation and translation of the
different types of wordplays, understood as both a linguistic and cultural phenomenon.
The presented analyzes of selected games and their translations are an introduction
to more extensive research aimed at developing new, or improving already used, techniques
for translating games and other linguistic and cultural phenomena. We analyze the
linguistic structures and the pragmatic aspect of games in order to highlight their
semantic dynamics as well as the special role of the translator. The collected material was
developed using, among others such research tools as component analysis, verification
of intrinsic motivation of meanings or pragmatic analysis of the message, focusing on the
diversity of cultural contexts. The analyzes presented in the article illustrate the examples
of which the translator, thanks to his creativity, succeeds in overcoming the obstacles
and preserving the original meaning of the game. The examples analyzed illustrate
the different degrees of creation and/or recreation of the game in the process of their
translation. They present the different types of games whose mechanism relates to the
formal structure, semantics and extratextual references (inter-linguistic and cultural).
Through such selection of examples, reflection on the intercultural dynamics of games
and the analysis of the role of translator in the process of their transmission to the target
language are complete and more diversified.


wordplays, translation of wordplays, semantic effect, equivalence, role of translator, dynamics of word games

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Cited by

Sadowska-Dobrowolska, K. (2021). Word games, translator games – the intercultural dynamics of the language game (on the example of the aphorisms of Stanisław Jerzy Lec). Prace Językoznawcze, 23(4), 91–106. https://doi.org/10.31648/pj.7042

Katarzyna Sadowska-Dobrowolska 
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie