The letter genre in conflict discourse
The aim of this paper is to juxtapose the characteristics of the letter as a genre and their embodiment in neighbours’ correspondence. The purpose of the study is to determine discourse determinants of letters in a situation of (potential) conflict and the way they work. The research material consists of neighbours’ letters in Polish and Russian. The study concerns texts’ circulation and form, the sender and receiver of the correspondence, letters’ composition and convention, stylistic devices used, texts’ functions, and speech acts, as well as themes, and the axiology of letters. The following conclusions on discourse determinants of neighbours’ correspondence were formulated: discussion of the problem in public, lack of interest in the continuation of the dialogue by correspondence, the usage of non-neutral stylistic devices and an unconventional composition of letters, an imperative and expressive character of texts, an obligatory indication of anti-values in the text.
genre, letter, discourse, neighbours’ conflictReferences
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