Mikrotoponimia Kowalewic Nowych i Kowalewic Włościańskich w powiecie pułtuskim
Magda Głogowska
Kowalewice Włościańskie and Kowalewice Nowe are two villages in Masovia
region, district of Pułtusk, municipality of Świercze. They are inhabited mostly
by farmers who inherit their farms. The total of 172 names of fields, meadows,
forests, ponds, ditches and roads were collected in a field study.
As a result of subsequent semantic analysis the following types of names
have been distinguished: topographic (including locating, directional and descriptive
names), possessive and culture-related. The majority (67%) of the analysed
microtoponyms are topographic. Among these field, meadow and road names
are the most numerous. Possesive names constitue an important part (30%)
of all the collected names. The least represented are culture-related names, which
constitute 3% of the collected microtoponyms.
Among the microtoponyms from Kowalewice Włościańskie and Kowalewice
Nowe there are primary (zero-affixation) and compound names, the latter being
the largest group, which constitutes 81% of all the collected microtoponyms. The
names constructed as adverbial phrases are the most productive type within this
group. The primary names constitute 19% of the collected names of landscape
Słowa kluczowe:
onomastyka, mikrotoponimia, językoznawstwo, nazwy obiektów terenowychBibliografia
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