Autonomy of Picture: The Place of Author’s Drawings in Modern Communication of Scientific-Popular Theme
Автономия изображений: о месте авторских рисунков в современной коммуникации научно-популярной тематики
Svetlana Simakova
Chelyabinsk State University
Svetlana Panyukova
Chelyabinsk State University
Irina Topchii
Chelyabinsk State University
This study examines the phenomenon of social media segments functioning, focused on the presence of high-quality author’s visual content in publications. It is the originality of the visual accompaniment of posts that becomes the basis for the popularity of the resource. It sets such a trend as the autonomous power of images in communication and giving a chance for the development of “pictorial” information exchange. The study analyzed the publication of the Russian popular science community “Educator” (“Ovrazovach”) on the social network “VK”. The main findings of the study is: 1) there is an autonomy of images and their independency in the process of creating interest to resource for audience; 2) the analysis of comments reveals a reduction of the content side of the popular science public; 3) user comments show the preservation of a high percentage of text messages, but this comments are related the picture, not on a scientific event. The authors believe that the phenomenon of autonomization of original images requires a detailed analysis on a wider number of examples.
visual image visual content media content memes commentsReferences
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