The Prose and Drama of an Outstanding Poet, Voĺha Hapiejeva

Arnold McMillin

University College London


This article reviews the prose and drama of Voĺha Hapiejeva up to 2018. The main themes of her work are: feminism, gender and sexual relations in a patriarchal society, and also various aspects of contemporary life, A Candidate of Science, she brings into her works, humorously, a variety of linguistic and grammatical forms. Her work is notable for its strong use of imagery, lively dialogues and many, especially in the plays, much absurdity. Without doubt Hapiejeva is not only one of boldest and most original of the promising Belarusian poets of our day, but also a very talented prose writer and dramatist.


Belarusian leadership     satire     humour     Miensk     provinces     urban settlements     Viĺnia, squalor     violence alcohol

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Kišlicyna (2006): Kiślicyna, H. (2006), Novaja litaraturnaja situacyja: Źmiena kuĺturnaj paradyhmy. Minsk.

Palačanski (2014): Palačanski, A. (2014, Moj ćvik. Minsk.

Šaŭliakova (2005): Šaŭliakova, I. (2005), Restaŭracyja ščyraści. Minsk.

Wyllie (2018): Wyllie, B. (2018), From Imperial Pineapples to Stalinist Sausage: The Politics and Poetics of Food in Russian Literature. In: Piatti-Farnell, L./Brien, D. L. (eds), The Routledge Companion to Literature and Food. New York/Oxford, 351-63.


Cited by

McMillin, A. (2019). The Prose and Drama of an Outstanding Poet, Voĺha Hapiejeva. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 10(2), 205–220.

Arnold McMillin 
University College London