Unity of Russian Society. Importance of Building Social Cohesion for the Security of Russian Federation
Mirosław Minkina
Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and HumanitiesAbstract
A sense of unity in any society is a great value. United society is a strong support for rulers and their policies. Public support often legitimizes the actions of rulers. Social unity is built on the basis of shared values and beliefs. The assumed goal of the research is focused on analyzing these categories in the context of their importance for building social unity. Such a goal has led to a question: What is the importance of these categories in building social cohesion for Russians? To solve the indicated problems, theoretical methods were used. Russians are convinced of the uniqueness of their society. This sense of uniqueness affects the sphere of security. It gives rise to their unwillingness to take part in formal alliances and international organizations, if Russia is not in a dominant position. Such views are deeply rooted in the consciousness of Russian society. Simultaneously, Russia airs grievances against the West, claiming that it does not notice its uniqueness.
Social solidarity, patriotism, respect for authority, Russian Federation, Russian societyReferences
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Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
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