The Russian vision of strategic balance in the 21st century in the spirit of political realism

Russian vision of strategic balance in the 21st century in the spirit of political realism

Malina Kaszuba

Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities


Over the past two decades, Russian foreign policy has evolved significantly. Its aim is to seek a change in the global balance of power. This evolution proceeded from attempts to establish cooperation with the West, through a confrontational narrative, ending with political and military actions. The purpose of this article is to analyze the present Russian view of the current international order and to define its future shape based on assumptions and specific actions in the sphere of the aforementioned foreign policy. Particularly useful for the needs of the conducted research is the reference to the theory of political realism. This is determined by the fact that the Russian Federation, contesting the current hegemonic international order, aims to create a multipolar world with the key balancing role of the great powers.


international relations, strategic balance, political realism, Russia, China

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Cited by

Kaszuba, M. (2021). The Russian vision of strategic balance in the 21st century in the spirit of political realism: Russian vision of strategic balance in the 21st century in the spirit of political realism. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 12(2), 252–261.

Malina Kaszuba 
Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities