PERMISSION in Russian and German discourse: similarities and differences in the realization of the speech behavior pattern

Permission in Russian and German discourse: similarities and differences in the realization of the speech behavior pattern

Elizaveta Kotorova

University of Zielona Góra


The present paper aims to reveal similar and different features when realizing the speech behavior pattern (SPB) of permission in Russian and German. The SPB analysis includes the following major factors to be concerned with: definition of illocutionary purpose of the SPB in terms of Natural Semantic Metalanguage, description of basic grammatical constructions belonging to SBP and identification of communicative-pragmatic factors important for choice of a specific utterance. The possibilities of expressing the SBP of permission in Russian and German are described using the method of the communicative-pragmatic field (CPF). The peculiarities of the field organization in these languages are revealed. The language data are taken from the existing Russian and German corpora.


speech behavior pattern, permission, intercultural communication, contrastive linguistics, Russian, German

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Cited by

Kotorova, E. (2021). PERMISSION in Russian and German discourse: similarities and differences in the realization of the speech behavior pattern : Permission in Russian and German discourse: similarities and differences in the realization of the speech behavior pattern. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 12(2), 401–418.

Elizaveta Kotorova 
University of Zielona Góra