Diplomatic activities during the Second Balkan War in the publications of the boulevard daily “Ilustrowany Kuryer Codzienny”

Jarosław Rubacha

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


 The effect of rapid socio-economic development in Europe in the 19th century was, among others, the creation of newspapers targeted at specific groups of recipients, including the boulevard press, addressed to the less affluent parts of society. One of them was the “Ilustrowany Kuryer Codzienny” founded in 1910 in Kraków. Although these types of magazines were not highly valued on the press market, their volume, and especially their big edition, incline to a closer look at the content presented in them. Even a cursory reading of individual issues of the newspaper leads to the conclusion that the “Ilustrowany Kuryer Codzienny” is an interesting source of information about the reality in those times. This is particularly evident during the Balkan wars, when materials on diplomatic activities were published very often and occupied a leading position prior to scandals, rumors and criminal reports.


European diplomacy, great powers, Balkan states, Second Balkan War, Polish boulevard press

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Cited by

Rubacha, J. (2022). Diplomatic activities during the Second Balkan War in the publications of the boulevard daily “Ilustrowany Kuryer Codzienny” . Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 13(1), 31–48. https://doi.org/10.31648/pw.7654

Jarosław Rubacha 
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn