The Participation of Charitable Organizations in the Financial and Material Support for the Internment of Ukrainian Military in Poland (1920-1921)

Artur Babenko

Katedra Historii Świata, Kijowski Uniwersytet im. Borysa Grinchenko, ul. Tymoszenko 13B, 04-212 Kijów


The article describes the work of charitable organizations in the provision of financial and material assistance to Ukrainian military internees in Poland. Analyzed is the activity of the Ukrainian institutions in attracting international charity. The attention is focused on the activities of the Ukrainian Red Cross.


Red Cross, charitable organizations, financial aid, Ukrainian army, detention camps

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Cited by

Babenko, A. (2016). The Participation of Charitable Organizations in the Financial and Material Support for the Internment of Ukrainian Military in Poland (1920-1921). Studia Warmińskie, 53, 391–402.

Artur Babenko 
Katedra Historii Świata, Kijowski Uniwersytet im. Borysa Grinchenko, ul. Tymoszenko 13B, 04-212 Kijów