"Tablet Consciousness" as a Subjective Component of "Rational Violence" in the Globalized World

Wadym Slusar

Wydział Filozofii, Żytomierski Uniwersytet Państwowy im. Iwana Franki, ul. Wielka Berdyczowska 40, 10-008 Żytomierz, Ukraina


The author introduces to the scientific revolution the term "tablet consciousness" in the context of the research of problems of realization of violence in the modern world. "Tablet consciousness" is viewed as a subjective component of an indirect form of violence; the main tool is a rational awareness by individuals of the necessity and the inevitability of violence ("rational violence"). The meaning of "tablet consciousness" is revealed in the context of the postpanopticon model of functioning of society. Identified and analyzed the following main features of the "tablet consciousness": replacement of a learning process on the consumption of information and knowledge staging process, focusing on the opinion of an "expert", the cult of lightness as a key of life meaning installations and cynicism.


violence, “rational violence”, “tablet consciousness”, postpanopticon, cynicism

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Cited by

Slusar, W. (2015). "Tablet Consciousness" as a Subjective Component of "Rational Violence" in the Globalized World. Studia Warmińskie, 52, 51–61. https://doi.org/10.31648/sw.120

Wadym Slusar 
Wydział Filozofii, Żytomierski Uniwersytet Państwowy im. Iwana Franki, ul. Wielka Berdyczowska 40, 10-008 Żytomierz, Ukraina