Futurology as a Subject of Social Philosophy

Sergiusz Terepiszczy

Katedra Filozofii Społecznej i Filozofii Oświaty, Narodowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Michaiła P. Dragomanowa w Kijowie, ul. Pirogowa 9, 01-601 Kijów, Ukraina


The article is devoted to the analysis of general futurology in terms of social philosophy. Futures theories are relatively young formations in modern science, and have managed to gain significant popularity among scholars and readers worldwide. This is no accident. First, the essence of the phenomenon of futurology is described by its functions and methods. Then, after a theoretical concept review, it carries out the sampling of the futures popular models, which gives an idea of the diversity and finally formation of the science. In addition, the author demonstrates its potential practical and theoretical contributions to the task of human development. Futurology as a young, promising science, or, at least, kind of theoretical work only begins its formation. Therefore, it provides useful implications and discovers the objective laws, probably waiting for us in the future, as does the elusive subject of this theory.


futurology, futures model, prediction, extrapolation, historical cycles

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Cited by

Terepiszczy, S. (2015). Futurology as a Subject of Social Philosophy. Studia Warmińskie, 52, 63–74. https://doi.org/10.31648/sw.121

Sergiusz Terepiszczy 
Katedra Filozofii Społecznej i Filozofii Oświaty, Narodowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Michaiła P. Dragomanowa w Kijowie, ul. Pirogowa 9, 01-601 Kijów, Ukraina