The Rite of Major Exorcism as a Source of Preaching

Tomasz Szałanda

Wydział Teologii, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Hozjusza 15, 10-041 Olsztyn


The ministry of an exorcist has existed in the Church from the beginning, but went into visible decline in the early modern centuries. It is only now, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, that this ministry is having a renaissance. Although the new Rite was published in 1998, after nearly 400 years (the previous one had been in force since 1614), exorcisms can still be performed according to the “old” rite under special permission from the Holy See. Thus, both liturgical books “function” in the Church. For contemporary preaching, both of them are an important source that should not be neglected. After all, it is them that contain the wisdom of the Church, which finds help and protection in the Triune God in its struggle against Satan and demons.


exorcisms, exorcist, exorcism rite, Satan, demons, demonology, preaching

Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei, Inde ab aliquot annis, Epistula Ordinariis locorum missa: in mentem normae vigentes de exorcismis revocantur, AAS 77 (1985).

Rituale Romanum Pauli V Pontificis Maximi. Jussu editum aliorumque pontificium cura recognitum atque auctoritate SSMI D.N. PII Papae XI ad normam Codis Juris Canonici accommodatum. Editio juxta typicam Vaticanam MCMXXV. De exorcizandis obsessis a daemonio.

Rusecki M., Mastej J., Teologia fundamentalna w formacji herolda Słowa Bożego, w: W. Broński (red.), Integralne kształcenie kaznodziei, Lublin 2006.

Rytuał rzymski odnowiony zgodnie z postanowieniem Świętego Soboru Powszechnego Watykańskiego II wydany z upoważnienia papieża Jana Pawła II.

Egzorcyzmy i inne modlitwy błagalne, Katowice 2002.

Simon H., Kaznodzieja jako teolog, w: W. Przyczyna (red.), Sługa Słowa, Kraków 1997.

Szałanda T., Jezus Egzorcysta w polskim przepowiadaniu posoborowym. Studium homiletyczno-biblijne, Olsztyn 2012.

Wojciechowski M., Cuda Jezusa, Częstochowa 2010.


Cited by

Szałanda, T. (2015). The Rite of Major Exorcism as a Source of Preaching. Studia Warmińskie, 52, 163–175.

Tomasz Szałanda 
Wydział Teologii, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Hozjusza 15, 10-041 Olsztyn