The Relations between State and Religion in Germany in 20-30 years of XX Century: the Experience of Baptist Societies

Aleksander Kravets

Katedra Języków Indoeuropejskich, Uniwersytet Narodowy „Akademia Ostrogska”, ul. Seminarska 2, 35-800 Ostróg, Ukraina


This article analyses the relations between state and religion in Germany in 20-30 years of XX century using the example of Baptist societies. They also discussed the causes and consequences of Biblical principle deviation in formation of the relations between two types of states: the Weimar republic and Nazi regime.


relations between state and religion, Protestantism, Baptist church, the Weimar Republic, Nazi regime

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Cited by

Kravets, A. (2015). The Relations between State and Religion in Germany in 20-30 years of XX Century: the Experience of Baptist Societies. Studia Warmińskie, 52, 291–301.

Aleksander Kravets 
Katedra Języków Indoeuropejskich, Uniwersytet Narodowy „Akademia Ostrogska”, ul. Seminarska 2, 35-800 Ostróg, Ukraina