Nietzsche and the Birth of Postmodern Age

Giulia Moiraghi

MART (Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto), Area Educazione, Corso Bettini n. 43, 38068, Rovereto (TN), Italia


If nowadays a cry of alarm accusing Postmodern Relativism rises from numerous sides and claims a comeback of Philosophy to a healthy Realism, the present essay, through the acknowledging of Nietzsche as the forefather of a condition that would become evident almost a century on, carries out a new reading of such a controversial age of thought. In this way it is outlined an overall shape of this phase, bravely seeking, over any nihilistic resignation, a non-metaphysical identity in which to recognize itself.


Postmodern Age, Nietzsche, Immoralism, Truth, Death of God, Nihilism, Metaphysics

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Cited by

Moiraghi, G. (2012). Nietzsche and the Birth of Postmodern Age. Studia Warmińskie, 49, 41–53.

Giulia Moiraghi 
MART (Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto), Area Educazione, Corso Bettini n. 43, 38068, Rovereto (TN), Italia