“You Just, Rejoice in the Lord” Psalm 33 as a Classic Hymn

Bogdan W. Matysiak

Katedra Teologii Biblijnej, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Hozjusza 15, 11-041 Olsztyn


The joy of just living in covenant with YHWH and experiencing His saving action, expressed in Psalm 33 as “new song”. Throughout its history, Israel met with the power of words and the “advice” of God and became aware of his uniqueness. Also experienced God's people that are constantly present in caring providence of God providing protection and assistance to him. This comes to the fore in the expression of thought of God as the Creator and Lord of all history. No force or power will stand before the God of Israel. The people tremble before him, and nations live according to His laws and political plans. However, each military force is nothing before the One who sits on the throne in heaven. Psalm 33 does not have the eschatological character, and his pictures show currently running history and life as a mystery and a miracles in creative work and history. The examined psalm points to the final reign of God in the sense that human powers are transient, and the possession of this world turns increasingly to a new reality.


psalm, hymn, just, hope, Creator, help

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Cited by

Matysiak, B. W. (2012). “You Just, Rejoice in the Lord” Psalm 33 as a Classic Hymn. Studia Warmińskie, 49, 93–105. https://doi.org/10.31648/sw.256

Bogdan W. Matysiak 
Katedra Teologii Biblijnej, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Hozjusza 15, 11-041 Olsztyn