The Missionary Activity of St. Cyril and Methodius – Inspirations for the Contemporary Formation of Students of the Propaedeutic Year
Radosław Czerwiński
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
The article presents inspirations for the formation of students of the propaedeutic year, which are based on the example of St. Cyril and Methodius, as well as in the light of the challenges of the modern world and formation principles in the document of the Polish Bishops' Conference Ratio Institutionis sacerdotalis pro Polonia of 2021. The tasks of formators should be seen in the context of their educational role. The seminar's mission is to form good shepherds who, following the example of the patrons of Europe, will be faithful to their vocation, service and mission until the end of their lives. People responsible for seminary formation together with alumni build a community based on trust. This task is helped by mutual accompaniment, which should be based especially on human and spiritual formation. The persons of Saints Cyril and Methodius can constantly be an important point of reference for the process of preparing modern priests and the functioning of the seminary, especially during the propaedeutic year. This can be seen both in their experience of life "in the world", in the life of faith in the monastic form, in the forms of practicing the faith that they were able to rise above, and in evangelization practices.
St. Cyril and Methodius, formation, propaedeutic year, seminary, seminariansReferences
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Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie