The Archetype of the Homiletic Text. Conceptualizing the Phenomenon

Michał Klementowicz

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


This study discusses the homiletic text as archetype. It is intended to contribute to the ongoing discussion of the genre distinctiveness of the word proclaimed in the liturgy as well as to make more objective and consistent so-called “homiletic textology”. As a crucial element in the argumentation, the notion of an archetype is
described in both general and specific terms. A utilitarian perspective is taken on the archetype of the homiletic text, with particular concern for the principle of „information management” contained in the kerygma of God’s Revelation. The handling of content in a homily is analyzed with attention to its novelty, relevance and acceptability, all of which, in turn, assists effective communication with the audience present at the celebration.


text, homily, textology, kerygma, information, archetype

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Cited by

Klementowicz, M. (2024). The Archetype of the Homiletic Text. Conceptualizing the Phenomenon. Studia Warmińskie, 61, 275–285.

Michał Klementowicz 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II