Gideon Krinovskii’s Sermons

Adam Drozdek

440 College Hall, College of Liberal Arts, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA 15282, USA


Krinovskii was a preacher in the court of the empress Elizabeth and a member of the Synod. A hundred of his sermons have been published four times in A collection of various instructive talks. In his sermons, Krinowskii spoke about the providence of God and the necessity of the full awareness of God’s presence in everyone’s life. To assure the benevolent presence of God, one’s life has to be pure and modelled after Christ. The life led by God’s precepts will ensure happiness on earth and in the afterlife. Krinovskii’s salvific and moral message was mostly ecumenical, but his sermons are not free from exaggerated praises of the empress and of the role of Russia and Orthodoxy.


Krinovskii, sermons, Orthodox theology, ethics

Kjellberg L., La langue de Gedeon Krinovskij, prédicateur russe du XVIIIe siècle, Uppsala: Almquist & Wiksells Booktryckerei 1957.

Гедеон [Криновский], Собрание разных поучительных слов, Санкт-Петербург: При Имиераторской Академии Наук, vol. 1: 1755, vol. 2: 1756, vol. 3: 1758, vol. 4: 1759.

Заведеев П[етр], История русского проповедничества от XVII века до настоящего времени, Тула: Типография Н.И. Соколова 1879.

Карамзина Николай М., Пантеон российских авторов, Санкт-Петербург: Карл Край 1848, vol. 1.

Новиков Николай [И.], Опыт историческаго словаря о россійских писателях, Санкт-Петербург 1772.

Смолич И[горь] К., История Русской Церкви 1700-1917, Москва: Издательство Спасо-Преображенского Валаамского монастыря 1996.

Титов Ф[едор] И., К биографии Гедеона Криновского, епископа Псковского и Нарвского, Казань: Центральная типография 1907.


Cited by

Drozdek, A. (2016). Gideon Krinovskii’s Sermons. Studia Warmińskie, 53, 113–124.

Adam Drozdek 
440 College Hall, College of Liberal Arts, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA 15282, USA