Modes of Secularization in Charles Taylor’s Conception

Olena Dolgochub

Katedra Filozofii i Podstaw Wiedzy Ogólnohumanistycznej, Odeski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Ilji Miecznikowa, ul. Dworianska 2, 65-000 Odessa, Ukraina


This article is devoted to consideration and critical analysis of the concept of secularization, proposed by the popular Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor. Main elements of the secularization process, allocated by the philosopher, are highlighted in the article. There are some basic elements among them: the emergence of “exclusive humanism”, disenchantment of the world, the transformation of the “porous self” into “buffered self”, changing of attitude to the time etc. The question about the difficulties of philosophical works’ translation is raised. There is a possibility of applying the Ch.Teylor’s concept to investigate not only the Western religious life, but also of Eastern Europe is denotes.


secularization, religion, disenchanted world, “buffered self”, “exclusive humanism”, eternity

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Cited by

Dolgochub, O. (2015). Modes of Secularization in Charles Taylor’s Conception. Studia Warmińskie, 52, 95–106.

Olena Dolgochub 
Katedra Filozofii i Podstaw Wiedzy Ogólnohumanistycznej, Odeski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Ilji Miecznikowa, ul. Dworianska 2, 65-000 Odessa, Ukraina