From the History of Appropriation of the Pre-war “Olsztyn Daily”

Janusz Jasiński

Ośrodek Badań Naukowych im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego, ul. Partyzantów 87, 10-402 Olsztyn


In the article From the History of Appropriation of the Pre-war “Olsztyn Daily” the author discusses the problem of the unjustified taking of the pre-war heritage of these daily by post-war editors. Founded in 1886, the “Olsztyn Daily” until the outbreak of the World War II in 1939 was a magazine with a strong Catholic character. In the years 1886-1939 it has always presented also strongly pro-Polish stance. In communist Poland, the “Olsztyn Daily”, being the paper of the Provincial Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party, frequently attacked more or less directly the Catholic Church and Catholic heritage and denied the heritage of the Polish nation. After 1989 “Olsztyn Daily” also can hardly be considered as strongly Catholic and pro-Polish magazine. Therefore, according to the author, the history of “Olsztyn Daily” founded in 1886, ended in 1939. It is closed, unique and not to pursue. The attempts of the following post-war editors to the pre-war tradition of the magazine are a mistake. The article contains two fragments of texts, which were published in “Olsztyn Daily” in 1899. They illustrate strongly Catholic and pro-Polish position, which at that time presented the editors of this magazine.


“Olsztyn Daily”, John Liszewski, Seweryn (senior) and Seweryn (junior) Pieniężny, Pro-Polish Catholic magazine, years 1886-1939, years 1951-1970-1989

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Cited by

Jasiński, J. (2012). From the History of Appropriation of the Pre-war “Olsztyn Daily”. Studia Warmińskie, 49, 377–388.

Janusz Jasiński 
Ośrodek Badań Naukowych im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego, ul. Partyzantów 87, 10-402 Olsztyn