Marta Bogusławska-Tafelska
Instytut Neofilologii UWM w OlsztynieAbstract
The paper explores some aspects of the minimal student education. What attracts one's attention
are: the dyad encompassing the academic teacher and the minimal student; and the triad encompassing
the academic teacher, the minimal student and the educational institution. The hypothesis orchestrating
this study, preliminary as it is, contains the assumption that the disturbs both relations, bringing about the violation of the educational process. As a result, the
methodological verification of the teaching procedures, as well as the psycholinguistic awareness
raising process, have to be introduced if the minimal student education is to be continued.
the trichotomous maximal-optimal-minimal model of the language leamer, the minimal student, the optimal student, the communicative dyad of the academic teacher and the student, the communicative triad of the academic teacher, the student and the educational institutionLiteraturhinweise
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Marta Bogusławska-Tafelska
Instytut Neofilologii UWM w Olsztynie
Instytut Neofilologii UWM w Olsztynie
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