Irena Matus

Katedra Kultury Białoruskiej Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The conversion of the Uniates to the Latin Catholic rite occurred with the introduction of the
Union Church. Initially, it concerned Russian nobility, which thus obtained equality and ennoblement.
Over time, also peasants inhabiting mainly the borderland area converted. One such example was
northern Podlasie. The rite was changed as a result of marriages, Latinization and pressure from the
clergy and nobility. After the Synod of Zamość, the difference between the two Catholic rites was
blurred, thus the Uniates occasionally baptized their children in churches. In such a situation, they
recorded them in parish registers and they practiced Roman Catholicism. In 1837, the cancellation
of previous metric entries was instructed and moving to the parish registers of the Uniates, which
was impossible in practice. Beginning in 1834, when, as a result of changes made in the temples,
suggestions to abolish the Uniate rite became more pronounced and more frequent, the activity
of Latin clergy intensified, leading to conversions. As early as 1807, the Senate forbade
the conversions of the Uniates to the Latin Church and in 1810 the converts were ordered to return to
the previous rite, yet it concerned only the Uniate priests. This was not complied in practice. In 1835,
the Uniates were categorically forbidden to convert to the Latin rite, but this did not stop conversions.
In northern Podlasie, conversions intensified in the early 1830s and ranged from approximately
26.1 percent in the parish of Drohiczyn to just a few people in other parishes. Conversions did not
occur in the ethnically homogenous areas. Before 1835, 983 people abandoned the Uniate rite in
the district of Bialystok, 712 at the deanery of Bielsk and 271 people at the deanery of Bialystok.
However, these data were not complete. The actions concerning the conversions of the Uniate priests
and deans, supported by civil authorities, did not bring about the intended results. The decisions taken
by the church and civil authorities were not respected. None of the measures were enforced on the
converts, except for verbal incitement. It was finally decided that if the conversion was made before
1839, the return was not necessary. On the other hand, attempts to convert Orthodox Christians met with serious consequences. After the dissolution of the Union, the relations between the Latin
and Orthodox clergy (formerly the Uniate) deteriorated, and the struggle to gain parishioners led to
conflicts and mutual claims, lasting for a long time. After 1870 this problem virtually disappeared.


The Uniates, Latin Catholics, conversions

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Irena Matus 
Katedra Kultury Białoruskiej Uniwersytet w Białymstoku