A Sorbian Myth about Krabat in the Context of German Cultural Tradition

Taтьянa Шарыпина

Кафедра зарубежной литературы Нижегородский госуниверситет им. Н.И. Лобачевского


Multiculturalism in German literature is most vividly displayed in the creative work of Jurij
Brězan, a representative of Lusatian Sorbs. The uniqueness of the bilingual writer is that well-defi ned
national particularity of his literary compositions and profusion of poetics of his novels with motives
and images of Sorbian folklore are harmoniously interwoven into the cultural context of German
aesthetic tradition and subjected to lofty panhuman moral and ethical issues.


myth, interpretation, postmodernism, intertext, the author’s myth, the problem of tradition and infl uences, mythopoetry, reception, Jurij Brĕzan

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Brĕzan, J. (2010). Krabat oder Die Bewahrung der Welt. Bautzen.

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Grünpeck, J. (1899). Die Geschichte Friedrichs III. und Maximilians I. Die Geschichtsschreiber der
deutschen Vorzeit. 15. Jahrhundert. Bd. 89. Übersetzung von Theodor Ilgen. Leipzig, S. 3-69.

Koschmal, W. (1993). Perspektiven sorbischer Literatur. Eine Einführung. In: W. Koschmal (hrsg.).
Perspektiven sorbischer Literatur. Köln – Weimar – Wien, S. 7–50.

Pilk, G. (1896). Der Wendische Faust. Sächsischer Erzähler. Illustrierte Beilage 14, S. 191–201.

Scholze, D. (1999). Postmoderne Tendenzen in der sorbischen Literatur. Weimarer Beiträge 3,
S. 423–431.


Cited by

Шарыпина T. (2014). A Sorbian Myth about Krabat in the Context of German Cultural Tradition. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XVI), 215–224. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/819

Taтьянa Шарыпина 
Кафедра зарубежной литературы Нижегородский госуниверситет им. Н.И. Лобачевского