Renata Trejnowska-Supranowicz

Katedra Filologii Germańskiej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The paper is an attempt to answer the question concerning the extent to which letters written by Rahel Varnhagen von Ense, one of the most important representatives of the women's epistola- ry literature of German Romanticism, touches upon women issues. The analysis of the psychologi- cal and social contexts of women's situation is a crucial motif in the correspondence of the said authoress. In her letters to David Veit, Rebecca Friedlander, and her sister Rose, one can notice harsh criticism of the limited opportunities for the girls from Jewish families as well as of the institution of marriage in its traditional form based on the wife's absolute submission to her husband. As a result, a woman would lose a large part of her personality and freedom. Rahel never changed her opinion on marriage, although her married life with August Varnhagen was an example of an ideal partnership. In her letters, Rahel also deals with the problem of equal rights for women in the fields of art and science. For example, the authoress mustered the courage to voice severe criticism on women writers such as Karoline Schlegel-Schelling and Dorothea Tieck, who would publish their works under male pen names. In her writings, Rahel Varnhagen points out to an extremely hard situation of the well-educated women and demands more personal freedom for them. According to her, this very freedom is a significant factor for women and men to become equal.

Ключевые слова:

German Romanticism, women issues, women in psychological and social contexts, criticism of the institution of marriage, equal rights for women, personal freedom

A. Primarliteratur

Lebenslaufe, Biographien, Erinnerungen, Briefe. Rahel Varnhagen im Umgang mit ihren Freun- den (Briefe 1793-1833), hg. v. F. Kemp, Munchen 1967, Bd. 10.

Lebenslaufe, Biographien, Erinnerungen, Briefe. Rahel Varnhagen und ihre Zeit (Briefe 1800-1833), hg. v. F. Kemp, Munchen 1968, Bd. 14.
B. Sekundarliteratur

Arendt H., Rahel Varnhagen. Lebensgeschichte einer deutschen Judin aus der Romantik, Munchen 2001.

Breysach B., „Die Personlichkeit ist uns nur geliehen”. Zu Briefwechseln Rahel Levin Varnha- gens, Wurzburg 1989.

Rahel Levin und ihre Gesellschaft, in: Vermischte Schriften von K.A. Varnhagen von Ense, hg. v. F.A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1875.

Rahel Levin Varnhagen. Studien zu ihrem Werk im zeitgenossischen Kontext, hg. v. S. Becker, Rohrig 2001.

Scurla H., Rahel Varnhagen. Die grofie Frauengestalt der deutschen Romantik, Dusseldorf 1978.

Stern C., Der Test meines Herzens. Das Leben der Rahel Varnhagen, Hamburg 1997.



Trejnowska-Supranowicz, R. (2011). DIE STELLUNG DER FRAU IN DER ZEIT DER ROMANTIK UND IHRE WIDERSPIEGELUNG IN RAHEL YARNHAGENS BRIEFEN. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XIII), 303–313. извлечено от https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/1086

Renata Trejnowska-Supranowicz 
Katedra Filologii Germańskiej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie