Beata Tarnowska

Instytut Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The subject of the paper is the image of Tel Aviv that emerges from the poetry of the
poets of the Jewish origin but writing in Polish, in the 20’s and the 30’s of the 20th century,
especially from the poems of Anda Eker and Maurycy Szymel.
In the Palestinian poems of the young poet Anda Eker who was traveling a few times
to Erec Israel, Tel Aviv, showing many Arcadian traits, seems to be the symbol of freedom
and safety for the Jews from all over the world. Yet, the poem The Jewish state of Maurycy
Szymel, depicts that city – a symbol of the future Jewish state and simultaneously the
modern Babylon – in the context of the Biblical extermination. The contestation of the urban
utopia that appears in this poems, reflects characteristic for the Jewish Diaspora diversity of
attitudes towards the Zionist idea.

Ключевые слова:

the Polish-Jewish poetry, the poetry of Anda Eker, the poetry of Maurycy Szymel

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Beata Tarnowska 
Instytut Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie