Мetafora lustra w poezji Inny Lisniańskiej (na podstawie cyklu wierszy "Старое зеркало").
Ewa Nikadem-Malinowska
Metaphor, as a basic tool of our mind, allows us to tap the potential of a language grounding on
the knowledge and imagination of its user; ascertain the new through the old and unknown through
the known. Poetic metaphor, which is a carrier of information and tool of communication, is the object
of this study. Poetry of Inna Lisnianskaya could be holistically treated as a metaphor of a mirror. The
subject of this analysis is the cycle of poems "Старое зеркало". Inna Lisnianskaya, by identifying
living with being a living mirror extends the meaning of this metaphor to: I AM A MIRROR.
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