Wizerunek Polki w opowieści "Oko cyklonu" Aleksandra Worońskiego w świetle koncepcji poznania "Innego" autorstwa Emanuela Levinasa.
Natalia Pietkiewicz
The article is dedicated to an analysis of female character from Russian story of the 30-ties of
20th Century on the basis of Wanda D¹browskas example. She is playing a role of protagonist and
cooperator of Russian revolutionist Walentyn, and on the other hand she is an important factor,
which is inspired main Hero to thinking about the human fate in history and the meaning of revolutio-
nary activity. In this way the Reader receives a double imagine of Woman, who are representing
another nationality. This double imagine is a consequence of Wandas character creation in the
narrative strate by the main Hero another fictional character, which is also an alter ego of the
Writer, and in the same time by the Writer himself, who decided to set this story in the Belarussian reality from First World War and bolshevik resolutions period, which are familiar to an
author from his own experience. The phenomenon of different nationality of the main Heros, and than
the problem of culture dialogue, qualicifying this story to the wide and still popular stream of
describing the imagine of a Stranger in the literature. This analysis proposes an interpretation of
main female characters plot on the basis of the Emanuel Levinas concept of recognizing Other
(a part of the philosophy of dialogue, which is characteristic stream for the first half of 20 Century),
enriched by the some features of well-known sociological categories like e.g. familiar Stranger
or a Stranger at the familiar place.
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