Sufiksalne derywaty przymiotnikowe z prefiksem "не-" we współczesnym języku ukraińskim.

Mirosława Czetyrba-Piszczako


Maria Czetyrba



This article presents a word formation analysis of adjectival derivatives with a íå- prefix in the
Ukrainian language. Derivatives with the following formants are discussed: -ëèâ-, -èì-, -åâ- (-ºâ-),
-ê- (-îê-, -åê-), -ñüê- (-öüê-), -ë-, -ó÷- (-þ÷-), -à÷- (-ÿ÷-), -óù- (-þù-). The conducted analysis
allows for the following conclusions:
1. With regard to derivative bases, the discussed affixal derivatives can be divided into two
basic groups, whose motivation is derived from nominal and verbal derivative bases and roots.
2. Derived noun bases fall into the categories of derivative bases and roots, functioning in two
grammatical genders: masculine and feminine. A greater expansiveness in forming suffixal derivati-
ves is indicated by derivative bases, mostly suffixal ones.
3. In the Ukrainian language, there is a small group of the so-called polymotivational derivatives
with a double motivation, whose formation can be derived from a particular non-prefix adjective
or a noun stem.
In the Ukrainian language, a numerous group of suffixal derivatives has suppletive suffixal
or paradigmatic forms.

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Cited By /

Czetyrba-Piszczako, M., & Czetyrba, M. (2009). Sufiksalne derywaty przymiotnikowe z prefiksem "не-" we współczesnym języku ukraińskim. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XIV), 367–373. Pobrano z

Mirosława Czetyrba-Piszczako 
Maria Czetyrba 