Interpretacja tekstu jako sposób doskonalenia wymowy języka rosyjskiego.

Magdalena Zaorska



This paper focuses on the process of text interpretation. Analysing a text thoroughly and,
consequently, showing ones own ideas of its meaning becomes an artistic process. Hardly
surprisingly then, people studying at the Drama Department of Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts
Academy are trained in interpreting texts creatively. So are, however, also the students at the
Russian Language Department of University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Text-based drama
exercises as a means to improve ones pronunciation of a foreign language is examined by Russian
drama academies as a considerable number of their students are foreigners from all over the world.
Similar text-based drama exercises, integrating role-playing with articulation practice, are used at the
Russian Language Department to train the students correct Russian pronunciation.

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Cited By /

Zaorska, M. (2009). Interpretacja tekstu jako sposób doskonalenia wymowy języka rosyjskiego. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XIV), 529–536. Pobrano z

Magdalena Zaorska 