Humor polityczny na łamach wileńskich czasopism satyryczno-humorystycznych w latach 1907-1913
Roman Jurkowski
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w OlsztynieAbstrakt
The years 1907-1913 constitute the period of revival and development in Vilnius of the legal satirical and humorous press. It was connected with the political changes in Russia after issuing the Tsar Manifesto 17 (30) in September of 1905. Due to the process of revival in the Western provinces of Russia of the political life, satirical magazines started to come into being, among which the first was ’’Plotka Wileńska”. Next about two hundred magazines appeared, however their lifespan was vather short. The purpose of the present article is the presentation of the political humour in such Vilnius’ magazines as „Bomba”, „Perkunas”, „Plotka Wileńska”, „Strzała”, „Szubrawiec”, „Trąba”, „Wil nianka”. In the article attention was paid, among other things, to the relation of particular magazi nes to the elections for the second and third Duma, the activity of the Polish MPs in it, the Polish- Lithuanian conflict and its consequences, the germanization - oriented politics in the western regions of Poland etc.
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie