Сюжет Мертвых душ H.B. Гоголя как барочная метафора

Aleksander Iwanicki



A number of the Gogol’s works, he wrote in 1840-s (The Final of "Auditor”, Selected fragments from the correspondence with friends) show a clear connection with the Polish and Ukrainian Baroque tradition of the metaphorical convergence of social and spiritual world. It allows us to suppose the same symbolism in the first part of his poem Dead Souls (1842). Dead serfs that are sold by the landowners to Chichikov as nominally living, can be understood as personality trait of this people that they had lost little by little. It clarifies the sense of the vices that must be showed in the first part of the poem. This is mental stinginess and mental waste, that show themselves by turns in four first figures of the landowners (Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev and Sobakevich) and flows together in the last figure of Plushkin.

Ключевые слова:

baroque symbolism of the story, the lost personality trait, the man’s transformation in the soulless flesh, Dante’s Divine Comedy, Gogol’s Dead Souls

Гоголь Н.В., Полное собрание сочинений в 14-ти тт. Москва-Ленинград 1937-1952, т. VIII.
Iu. Ia. Barabash, G. S. Skovoroda, N.V. Gogol’, K voprosu o gogolevskom barokko, Izvestiia Akademii Nauk, Seriia Literatury i Iazyka 1994, т. 53 (5), с. 15-29.
Tchizewskij D., Skoworoda - Gogol, „Welt der Slawen“ Jahr XIII, Munchen 1968, с. 320-329.



Iwanicki, A. (2018). Сюжет Мертвых душ H.B. Гоголя как барочная метафора. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XVIII), 47–55. извлечено от https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/apr/article/view/1596

Aleksander Iwanicki 