Зинаида Гиппиус и творчество Льва Бакста

Inna Panek

Uniwersytet im. Masaryka w Brnie (Czechy)


The purpose of this paper is to show the correlation between poetry of Zinaida Gippius and works of Leon Baksta. Emphasizing motives common for both authors such as fascination with theatre and art of ancient civilizations makes possible to present the connection between poetry and painting which is of special interest of comparative studies. The comparative analysis of the authors’ works has revealed a profound impact their biographies had on the quality and meaning of their artistic creations. This paper has also presented motif of the death, symbolic meaning of flowers and fascination with theater common for both authors. Zinaida Gippius and Leon Bakst created moving, dynamic and vibrant works and tackled with the most important questions looming out of loneliness.

Ключевые слова:

Сommon themes in painting and literature, Leon Bakst, works of Zinaida Cippius, painting, impact theatre, the art of

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Panek, I. (2018). Зинаида Гиппиус и творчество Льва Бакста. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XX), 103–111. извлечено от https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/apr/article/view/1719

Inna Panek 
Uniwersytet im. Masaryka w Brnie (Czechy)